Twelfth Night William Shakespeare
250EGP Original price was: 250EGP.230EGPCurrent price is: 230EGP.
The play was also titled “What You Will” and is categorized as a romantic comedy. It was written approximately in 1601 or 1602 to be staged on the Christmas day. The play is about the twins, “Sebastian” and “Viola”, separated during a storm when their ship is wrecked. “Viola”, disguising as “Cesario”, loves “Duke Orsino”. The Duke, on the other hand, loves “Olivia”. The publication of this play is stated to have been delayed until the first folio in 1623.
In “Twelfth Night”, “Viola”, as a rational character in an insane world, controls much of the play’s point of view through expanded dialogue and direct address to the audience, causing the audience to sympathize most with her perspective. In contrast, the dialogue of “Malvolio”- and thus his point of view – is limited within the play, causing the audience to enjoy jokes at his expense.
“Twelfth Night” is the climax of the Shakespearean early achievement in comedy. The effects and values of the earlier comedies are here subtly embodied in the most complex structure which “Shakespeare” had yet created. But the play also looks forward: the pressure to dis-solve the comedy, to realize and finally abandon the burden of laughter, is an intrinsic part of its ‘perfection.’ The clear- eyed and affirmative vision of “Viola” of her own and of the world’s rationality is a triumph and we desire it; yet we realize its vulnerability, and we come to realize that virtue in disguise is only totally triumphant when evil is not in disguise-is not truly present at all. Having solved magnificently the problems of this particular form of comedy, “Shakespeare” was evidently not tempted to repeat his triumph. After “Twelfth Night” the so-called comedies required for their happy resolutions more radical characters and devices-omniscient and omnipresent Dukes, magic, and resurrection. More obvious miracles are needed for comedy to exist in a world in which evil also exists, not merely incipiently but with power.
الكــتــب الأكثر مبيعاً
زاد المعاد ابن قيم الجوزية
1,300EGPOriginal price was: 1,300EGP.1,100EGPCurrent price is: 1,100EGP. -
البداية والنهاية ابن كثير
2,500EGPOriginal price was: 2,500EGP.2,200EGPCurrent price is: 2,200EGP. -
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280EGPOriginal price was: 280EGP.220EGPCurrent price is: 220EGP. -
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330EGPOriginal price was: 330EGP.250EGPCurrent price is: 250EGP. -
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270EGPOriginal price was: 270EGP.240EGPCurrent price is: 240EGP. -
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تاريخ اليهود في بلاد العرباسرائيل ولفنسون
130EGPOriginal price was: 130EGP.120EGPCurrent price is: 120EGP. -
مدارج السالكين ابن قيم الجوزية
335EGPOriginal price was: 335EGP.280EGPCurrent price is: 280EGP. -
تفسير القران العظيم ابن كثير
1,700EGPOriginal price was: 1,700EGP.1,500EGPCurrent price is: 1,500EGP. -
جرائم النساء عبر التاريخ منصور عرابي
360EGPOriginal price was: 360EGP.310EGPCurrent price is: 310EGP. -
التاريخ الاسلامي راغب السرجاني
620EGPOriginal price was: 620EGP.500EGPCurrent price is: 500EGP. -
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340EGPOriginal price was: 340EGP.275EGPCurrent price is: 275EGP. -
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مجموعه من افضل كتب التاريخ (7 كتب) لمنصور عرابي
1,700EGPOriginal price was: 1,700EGP.1,590EGPCurrent price is: 1,590EGP. -
صحيح البخاري 4 مجلد محمد بن اسماعيل البخاري
1,400EGPOriginal price was: 1,400EGP.1,250EGPCurrent price is: 1,250EGP. -
تاريخ مصر من الفتح العثماني الى قبيل الوقت الحاضر عمر الاسكندراني – سليم حسن
300EGPOriginal price was: 300EGP.265EGPCurrent price is: 265EGP. -
اسرار الصلاة ابن رجب الحنبلي
280EGPOriginal price was: 280EGP.250EGPCurrent price is: 250EGP. -
تاريخ مصر إلي الفتح العثماني عمر الإسكندري
300EGPOriginal price was: 300EGP.265EGPCurrent price is: 265EGP. -
قصص القران محمد بكر اسماعيل
325EGPOriginal price was: 325EGP.290EGPCurrent price is: 290EGP. -
قصة الاندلسراغب السرجاني
355EGPOriginal price was: 355EGP.280EGPCurrent price is: 280EGP. -
الرحيق المختوم صفي المباركفوري
280EGPOriginal price was: 280EGP.220EGPCurrent price is: 220EGP. -
معارك غيرت التاريخ منصور عرابي
280EGPOriginal price was: 280EGP.240EGPCurrent price is: 240EGP. -
السيرة النبوية
إبن هشام525EGPOriginal price was: 525EGP.460EGPCurrent price is: 460EGP. -
مقدمة ابن خلدون عبدالرحمن ابن خلدون
300EGPOriginal price was: 300EGP.255EGPCurrent price is: 255EGP. -
خيانات عبر التاريخ فاروق الجمل
250EGPOriginal price was: 250EGP.240EGPCurrent price is: 240EGP. -
مختصر صحيح البخاريالامام زين الزبيدي
315EGPOriginal price was: 315EGP.275EGPCurrent price is: 275EGP. -
اشهر العصابات عبر التاريخ منصور عبد الحكيم
300EGPOriginal price was: 300EGP.270EGPCurrent price is: 270EGP. -
الفوائدابن قيم الجوزية
120EGPOriginal price was: 120EGP.100EGPCurrent price is: 100EGP. -
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450EGPOriginal price was: 450EGP.370EGPCurrent price is: 370EGP. -
اغرب عادات وتقاليد الشعوب عبر التاريخ محمد صلاح الدين
260EGPOriginal price was: 260EGP.240EGPCurrent price is: 240EGP. -
سلسلة من أبطال الإسلام عشر قصص مصورة و ملونة
65EGPOriginal price was: 65EGP.60EGPCurrent price is: 60EGP. -